What in the World is Sustainable Travel?

By Faith Wright, Travel Advisor

Sustainable Travel is global but begins with you

You have seen it advertised and heard it mentioned, but you still may be unclear as to exactly what sustainable travel means. That’s okay! While the trend may be fairly recent, the idea of leaving the Earth a better place than you found it is not. Sustainable travel takes that concept and helps travelers put it into practice. Follow along for a deep dive into the who, what, where, when, and why of sustainable travel!

Who: YOU 

Along with airlines, tour operators, and hotels around the world, you as a traveler are making big changes to how the travel industry operates. From sustainability fees at resorts used to support their environmentally-responsible features to more nonstop flight options to minimize the environmental impact of transportation, giants in the travel sphere are taking action and offering more choices with the health of the planet in mind. Their biggest motivator? YOU!

What: Do good 

While the power of the purse is a strong incentive for the travel industry to practice sustainability, the fact that people have an impact on the environment is no longer up for debate. The goal of sustainable travel is to reduce the carbon footprint and do good to our one and only planet. 

Where: From local to global

Sustainable travel can be practiced in the air, on a train or across the open ocean but it can also be practiced in your own backyard. Shopping locally at home and while traveling reduces the carbon footprint associated with the supply chain and helps support and invest in local communities. To sum it up: think global, act local. 

When: From sunset to sunrise

Since the first Earth Day celebration over 50 years ago, sustainability has been part of the conversation when talking about travel. There are a number of little choices throughout the day you can make to practice sustainability from watching your water usage when brushing your teeth first thing in the morning to choosing a small business restaurant that sources local ingredients for your evening meal. From eco-tourism to conservation to sustainability, there have been a variety of names over the years, but no matter what you call it, the time is always right to do right by the Earth. 

Why: The future of travel

People travel to see, hear, feel, taste, and smell all that life has to offer. Every adventure is unique and the variety of experiences in life means more opportunities to learn and grow through exploration. Practicing sustainable travel ensures that present and future travelers will be able to experience the joy and wonder of our amazing world.