Tips for the Anxious Adventurer

By: Faith Wright, Travel Advisor

You dream. Your plan. You prepare.

Then, anxiety hits.

You worry. You fret. You feel overwhelmed. 

Then, you remember. 

YOU can do this. 

When traveling, it’s okay to be alert and aware. There are a lot of new places and lots more new faces, which can trigger that uneasy, tense feeling. 

Some tips to help ease the anxious feelings:

  • Pack items that give you comfort and are part of your home routine. 

    • Ideas include a favorite pillow or blanket, current book or magazine you are reading, a small photo of your family or loved ones, or a soap or lotion that reminds you of home.

  • Meet and greet travel/destination personnel.

    • Notice who is on the front desk at the hotel, which servers are in your area at the restaurant, who is working the bar at the winery, and which attendants are in your flight cabin. Eye contact and a smile go a long way. Simple questions such as “How long have you worked here?”, “Does your shift end soon?” and “How’s the day been?” help you stand out to staff and show them you see them as a person, not just a worker. Don’t forget to throw in a big “Thank you!” on the way out and you’ve made a connection to a face you may see again during your travels. 

  • Establish a routine that’s right for you.

    • Maintain a routine similar to your home routine as much as possible during your travels. Eat meals, workout, have downtime, and take your shower at roughly the same times as you would back home to help give your body and mind something familiar. 

  • Relax with mindfulness practices. 

    • Journaling thoughts, performing breathing exercises, taking a hot bath and doing yoga or light stretching can help ease the mind and body. Consider following a mindfulness app such as Calm or checking in with a friend or family member back home to help keep you grounded while away. 

You have power. You have choice. You have agency. 

And remember - YOU can do this.