What an Accessible Travel Advisor Can Do For YOU!

By: April Lykins, Travel Advisor with Going! Travel Advisors

Whether you're headed on a cruise to the Caribbean or just looking for somewhere new on dry land to travel to, you might want to consider arranging your trip with an accessible travel agent. By working closely with their clients and paying attention to their needs and specific requirements, accessible travel agents can provide any traveler with the information they need so they know precisely what to expect before they arrive at their destination.


How does it work? Before you make any reservations, accessible travel agents will want to get a clearer idea of what you need and expect from your trip. They may ask questions such as: 

  1. Do you prefer group or individual tours? 

  2. Do you like to go out at night or rest in the hotel after a long day of sight-seeing? 

  3. Would you like to learn about local traditions and customs while visiting other cultures?

  4. What are your unique needs, wants, and dreams for your trip?


Based on your unique trip details, accessible travel agents then inform you about the accessibility of specific destinations, hotels and other tourist attractions. They might advise you to stay on the ground floor if there are stairs up to your room or inquire about seeing a list of accessible amenities. If you need assistance with transfers, some travel agents work with specialized partners that provide wheelchairs for rent at airports and cruise ships. 

Be sure to communicate your needs with your travel advisor so arrangements can be made prior to departure and are ready when you arrive. Most importantly, don't hesitate to ask questions! If suppliers are not forthcoming with information about a destination or specific tour operator, then it's probably best to look elsewhere.

Once you've narrowed down your choices of potential accessible tours and cruises, make an informed decision and go over all the details of your trip with your travel agent.There are a lot of vacation options at any price point and it's important that every traveler has the chance to explore somewhere new and unique, no matter their physical needs and accommodations. 

Planning a trip can be challenging, but thanks to decades of experience in the tourism industry, expert accessible travel agents have the knowledge and skills required to make traveling possible for everyone.