7 Tips for the Introvert Traveler 

By: Faith Wright, Travel Advisor

Classic introvert? Still pack those bags because an adventure is calling for YOU! Need some quick tips to make it work? I see you. Read the seven tips below and get ready to savor, and not speed, through your next great trip! 

  1. Build time into the day to regroup, realign, and recharge. This could be once, twice or twenty times – whatever you need. 

  2. Choose destinations that get you outdoors. Even if you find yourself in the city center, look for fountains, green spaces or potted plants to connect back to nature. 

  3. Pack the right tools. Whether you need a good book, a mindful music playlist or just some headphones to block out all the noise, take what you need and make no excuses.

  4. Consider timing. If dinner rush is too much for you that day, a meal a little earlier or a bit later might be just the ticket. Arriving early at attraction openings can bring comfort, calm, clarity, and shorter lines. Find the moments that are right for you!

  5. Wander. That is all. 

  6. Communicate with others and yourself. Take time to journal and check-in with your travel companions so everyone is on the same page with everyone’s unique travel needs. 

  7. Remember you have choice. Your time, energy, and decisions are yours. Do what you need for you. 

Travel does not need to be chaotic, “extra” or epic for it to be the best. time. ever. Travel is for everyone and introverts can still find that peace of mind and the experience of a lifetime!